Saturday, October 17, 2015

Eingewohnung and Kita - first impressions

It is more than four months that I started working. It has been so far so good.
My baby is happy in the Kita, and that is the most important thing. I really feel they are very professional and she is learning a lot and enjoying a lot.
During these four months, two days was sick. I know now winter is coming and it will happen again and again, but so far it has been great. I was a bit concerned as many of the people who were telling me I shouldn't bring the baby to the Kita were saying that she would suffer from different sickness! She had two days fever but I think it was because it was too hot here in Germany and she was not used to that heat.
In all the Kitas there is a period of adaptation "Eingewohnung". During this period, the father or the mother has to be inside the nursery room with the kid during some hours. After some days, the parents are no longer in the room but go to pick their kid up after one hour, two hours...extending the period of time every day. I did not count with that! I thought is ok that there is one week of adaptation but I did not think that people spend 4 to 6 weeks with the adaptation time. In our case, we did it in 7 days. The Kita was understanding that we had to work, and our kid was just so easy, as she started when she was 6 months old, and it was too early to actually miss us! Maybe because she has been in the Kita since so young she is very used to it and she really enjoys it. However, I have heard that many Kitas are completely strict and ask for a minimum of 4 weeks of adaptation, no matter if the kid needs it or not.
In July I was invited to visit an Eltern Initiativ. I was happy with the Kita, but the Eltern Initiativ was bilingual, cheaper and I was very curious about it. Eltern Initiativen are alternatives to normal daycare, that are managed by the families of the kids. It is a great alternative as there are not many places for kids in Munich. The Eltern Initiativ would not work for me. In this case, we would have to take care of one activity (that is ok, for example buying the bread or taking care of the waiting list) or go every three months one weekend to clean the place, but then we would need to be two days per month in "shift", meaning that if anything happens in the nursery, we would have to take care. This can be that somebody from the personnel is sick, and then one of the parents goes during the day to take care of the kids. That does not work with us that we are working. I would not like either that other parents go to take care of the kids. I also found other reasons that I did not like so much, such as they did not have a garden, or the food was delivered frozen once every two weeks.
So in summary, I am very happy I had place for my baby in this Kita! Now lets see how winter goes!

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