Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A bit of progress

I am very happy because I see a bit of progress! One of the Kitas asked me for an interview. I spent one hour there. I visited the premises, learned about how they work, what is offered for kids and parents etc. Overall I had a very good impression. I was also asked many questions: where do I work, where does my partner work, what we think about general things, etc. The host told me that will give her feedback to the pedagogue of the centre and they will come back to us in a couple of weeks if we get a place.
I liked a lot the place. For me the main things were that there are children with international environment and that most of the kids are full day in the Kita. In Germany is very usual that some kids are only 3-4 hours in the morning and a few stay longer in the day. Many people have told me "Ohh it is so sad when only a couple of kids stay abandoned in the afternoons in the Kitas". Well, in this Kita most of the kids stay full time and there is a full day program so moms are Rabenmutters like me, which is a plus! They are also one of the few Kitas that take kids from months, so they have experience with them. And the whole concept of their philosophy, their activities, the garden, the rooms...also convinced me.
Lets see what happens! Fingers crossed!
As I believe it is absolutely fine to look for daycare for my baby, we shared it with our families. My husband and me explained together to my family in law about it. Then there were a couple of comments, only directed to me:

  • "Do you enjoy being with your baby?". What question is this? So do they think I want a full day because I do not enjoy my baby? I enjoy being with my baby more than anything else! But I have my reasons!
  • Other relative started hugging the baby: "oooh I am so sorry for her...she is going to feel lonely and get sick....ooh I am so sad" (and repeated the "I am so sad" like 10 times - what a drama queen).

I will soon have a new post of things you should never say to a working mom!
Anyway I am just focusing on my baby, on how happy she is going to be, how much she is going to learn, and I keep looking my phone to see if the Kita phones me to confirm the place!

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