Thursday, January 29, 2015

About Personalschlüssel and Kitas

I am VERY excited that we got selected for a Krippe. Here in Munich is like finding an apartment - takes lot of time, you have to pass an interview, it is very hard, you pay lot of money and still you feel so lucky. I still cannot believe it!
I got the phone call this morning, and tomorrow I will get the Vertrag (contract). I have one week to read it and then I will go to a contract discussion session.
I was so happy until my husband, who is more critical than me, asked me about the Personalschlüssel or Betreuungsschlüssel. In other words, the ratio of kids per adult. I am not sure, I had such a good feeling when I visited it, I like the philosophy, the premises, the atmosphere I saw, I like that I have found good reviews in Internet of other parents, that they take most of the kids full time, they have international environment, it is the only I have seen that would take a baby under 10 months and exactly the day we want, a great garden...why should I worry so much about that? am I too happy and my german man too cautious? If they are professional, I am sure they have a right rate of babies per adult.
So I have started a bit of research.
My first holy source of information are my girlfriends with babies in Kitas. In my home country this is very normal, and I got answers from three adults for 25 kids from 0-3 years old; other told me that one adult per 8 babies, etc. I asked to a friend in Munich who was visiting many Kitas and said it was normal to find two adults per class of 10-12 kids, or 3 if one is "praktikantin".
The second source was searching in other websites and appear that the ratio in Germany is 4,8 - in Bayern 4.
I will ask tomorrow what is the exact ratio for mine. I hope this is not a problem for us to sign a contract.

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